June 24, 2013

➷ DIY OxyClean Recipe + Printable Recipe & Label ➹

Yo! My husband was watching Rocky last night and saying, "Yo Adrianne!" over and over again, repeatedly. I'm not sure why, but anytime he gets into one of "those 'key word' moods," as he calls them, I buy everything he sells. 

When he gets and my throat is dry, I shout, "Yo! Rocky, I'm thirsty," and he gets me water. If I'm up and he shouts, "Yo Adrianne, I'm hungry!" I get him food. I imagine if anyone were to walk in on this spectacle, they would laugh themselves silly! Or they may be just incredibly confused. A little while back, Zack got me watching that commercial where the guy is interviewing for a job and has a stain on his shirt. If you haven't seen it, well you should!
This one is also super funny too- seriously,
->> don't worry, this all comes together in a minute.
Anyways, whenever we go out to eat Zackers has a this confounded way of getting something on his shirt every. single. time. I don't know how he manages to do it?? But it's so frequent, now he bends the shirt and makes the stain scream-talk while he talks to me. It's super funny! But when we get home, that stain has got to come out. 
I know many of you probably use OxyClean, but at the rate I use the stuff I needed to make my own. Did you know you could do that? 
All you need is a 4 things, which you most likely have at your home.  

▲  Materials ▲  ↴

 ➲ Hydrogen Peroxide ⫿ ➲ Baking Soda or Washing Soda ⫿ ➲ Water ⫿ ➲ Spray Bottle

▲  Tools ▲  ↴

⫿ ➲ Measuring Cup, Whisk
And no this is not a paid post for either Tide or Arm and Hammer- that's just what we're using today, promise. 
I've written up the formula for you a few ways, on a pic so you can pin it or whatever you need. I also gave you a digital copy of the label I made and use. Just drag it onto your desktop, or go ▻ here to download it. I added the recipe right to it, that way I can remember what I need, without pulling open the computer.
Once you have everything, just mix it up. I used a whisk this last time and I liked how it turned out to I added that to your list. All you do is combine all three wet ingredients very well. I read that washing soda does a better job on laundry due to a higher pH or something. I just baking soda because I have like 9 million and 3 of them in the house. 
The ingredients will look something like this, with a little more bubbling in real life. But you get my drift. You can use this mixture as a laundry pre-treater or just add it to a load. Just use a couple tablespoons for pretreating stains, like Zack's shirts, and add a cup of DIY OxyClean to each load. I usually make a couple batches of this stuff at once, cause around here, we need it!

I added links to some of my similar posts, in case you're looking to make more of your own Cleaning Products or maybe just want more Free Printables!

▲ For more Printables  ↴  ▲


▲ & For more Cleaning Supply Recipes ↴  ▲



Here's the recap- an easy peasy way to DIY a cleaner ->

Tell me, do you have the same troubles with stains? 
Does your husband repeat movie catch phrases until he gets you to say them?
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June 21, 2013

➷ 40 Ways to Pallet Art {& 90's Music} ➹

So, I had sort of a weird week. 
I was watching "Pride & Prejudice," with that chick from "Pirates of the Caribbean," K...ie....rrrr...aaa. (I can never get her first name right) Knightly, and as I'm watching this film, it dawns on me that Jane Austin wrote the book a hundred of years ago and here I am watching the film version all these decades later. 

June 17, 2013

➷Restoration Hardware Preserved Sea Fan Artwork➹

Ever listen to Mozart's "Der Hölle Rache" or "Queen of the Night?"  I was watching "Amadeus" last night and heard one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my life. Watch it here if you like: {here}

The way this music echoed in my mind and rang off my soul made me realize that perfection can be achieved. I think most women want to make their homes as splendid as possible, but I want more than that... I want... no... I demand perfection. 
Of course you know what I mean, right? If you do, this post will resonate with many of you, so I've included this second link, {here}. In my humble opinion, this second video is performed in absolute perfection. The music was so eloquent; I couldn't help but be inspired. 

As many of you know, I lived in Hawaii for six years and I L-O-V-E the ocean. If you haven't been, words won't do it justice, so I'll skip to the point. I wanted something that would make my room perfect and I found these sea fans that I just couldn't stop staring at. So I made several attempts to capture the splendid nature of the ocean, and then I went a step further, I put sharp frames around them to make them, perfect. I know it may not some the glimpse of perfection for many of you, but for me, it carries the simple reminder of what once was with the sharp reality of what now is. Sigh... I wish I was near the rippling blue instead of the waving brown. If any of you think this post deserves the word (perfection) feel free to pass it on. Otherwise, drop back in perhaps in the not so distant future and witness the pursuit I proudly pursue. 

Restoration Hardware sells these one of a kind Perserved Sea Fan Artwork with Grey Mat for $550 a piece, but I made mine for $25. 
Let's save $525 bucks and make ourselves a piece of art that looks exactly like the inspiration piece, what do you say? This project's so easy, you're gonna love it! 

Here's what you need:
➳You can find most of these materials at any craft store. I used Hobby Lobby for this one because they had the gray card stock I wanted. Using a coupon, I think it was 4 bucks. 
➳You should remove the glass from your frames, cut the CARD STOCK to the size of your frame and put it inside your frame.
➳You want to order your sea fans online, I bought mine for less than 15 bucks. It was mostly shipping that ran up that cost. Way, way cheaper than trying to buy them local, at least for me. 
➳1st ➳
You need some serious power to cut off the stem of the sucker, I know because I tried tons of other ways to cut it- scissors, knife, wire cutters, small saw. In the end it was a hacksaw that made an easy job of it. Can you tell how lazy I am that I just kept trying the first tool within hands reach?!

➳2nd ➳ Now, go ahead and prime and paint you fan. I used Krylon to paint mine and it worked pretty well. I tried not to use primer- but quickly learned it was a must for this one. 
➳ 3rd ➳
You need to spray the BACK of the sea fan with spray adhesive. My fans naturally laid flatter on one side over the other- I'm not sure why. So just lay it down on both and pick the flatter one.

Press it down on the mat {which is inside the frame by this point, if you followed along with the directions}. I used a bunch of heavy books to weigh down my sea fan, especially at the stem area.

That's it. So easy- right? 
I think it added a ton toward recreating the look of my high end inspiration, without the feeling of copying something. What have you made perfect this week?

By the way, I revamped my blog and added social media icons. Make sure to follow along on Instagram, G+ FB, that way we can sorta virtually bring you with us when we go to England and Hales in August!!
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June 14, 2013

➷Top 28: Outdoor Rugs Round Up ➹

Ever feel like you're sitting on an increasingly large mountain of gun powder? 

Every time I shop online, I feel dark clouds raining down explosive pellets and the result is an ever-increasing pile of a highly combustible material that's just going to take one itsy bitsy spark to ignite! Of course, my six foot, always chipper, husband is like a really long piece of flint and his inability to understand my online shopping ordeal is like... is like... pieces of steal grinding on his flinty body. It just lights a fire under me. Do you know what I'm talking about? 

So here's the situation, For several months, well for almost a year, I've seen these beautiful pastel pants on people running around town. Everywhere I turn, like a pack of rainbow Necco candies, pretty pastel clad people running to and fro. At first I wasn't so sure about the trend, it made me think about the 80's. But like most things, the more you see it- the more you want it and, man, do I want it! What do they call that, lust or something? 
➳ {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} ➳

Anyhow, I scoured high and low for the perfect pair of mint, denim, skinny pants. Right about here, my husband creates the first spark by quoting,"Nacho Libre," he'll say, "Stretchy pants?" And click, the sparks would fly. It's like he just doesn't understand the importance of mint denim! I stare at him blankly, with one twitching eye. Of course, nothing happens because it's my husband and he wouldn't understand my how a girl needs the perfect pair of pastel pants. So instead, I turn to the Internet  and cross your fingers, the right price. I find a sale. Not just any sale, I find $80 minty pants on sale for 56 bucks, with an additional 40% off means that my beloved $80 "stretchy pants" are now a screamin deal at $20! 
➳ {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} ➳

In my mind, I see myself wearing the minty jeans, high-fiving dignitaries, strolling down the red carpet, doing the YMCA at the Super bowl with all the football players in the middle of a play, you know, I see myself doing a lot of things, that's all I can say, I mean,...doing...things

What actually happens: The box comes, I eagerly rip the box open like a lion tearing into a helpless gazelle, I swear my heart is racing, and then, I see them. My mint. Denim. Skinny. Pants. Shreds of plastic and pieces of packing peanuts trail my path, as I scamper off with my kill, down the hallway and into the bathroom where I slip my leg in and..... *squish*, my leg gets stuck. At this point, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, only it's not Alfred Hitchcock narrating, it's Big Bird, with Twilight Zone music. And I hear that giant yellow bird say, "Today's lesson is brought to you by the color mint and the wrong size number 2." I rip the pants off my calf, cause that's as high as they'll go, and throw them against the wall cursing the company (which shall remain nameless.) 

Then, of all things, my husband knocks on the door and says, "I wanna see you in your stretchy pants..." at this point, too many things for far too long have massed into the Mt. Everest mother load of black powder and it's blow time baby! BOOOOOMMMM! The bomb goes off and I don't scream, I don't call some poor  customer service rep and chew him a new one, nope, instead, I stare in the bathroom mirror until I can collect myself.
 I don't know what's going to happen from here, folks, but I've been launched, like a space shuttle, into orbit. For now, I'm just going to say, major changes are coming my way!!!

PS. Did I mention we are shopping for outdoor rugs? Aren't these the best outdoor rugs you've seen? So, so gorg.
 I hope you enjoy this week's round up and good luck shopping on line, I know I'll need it!
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June 10, 2013

➹Come and Walk Down my Hall [room reveal]➴

So, awhile ago, I made some knock off eye charts. For those of you that didn't get a chance to see them, here they are for your viewing pleasure. Go ahead, try to read the last line, I bet you can't do it! Seriously, go for it! Ok, if you can read it, cover up your right eye, how about now? Cover up your left eye, how about now... okay, if you passed that, you're some sort of a freak! I originally mimicked Restoration Hardware's {exorbitantly priced} art. Well, if you glance down the hall, you can take in all the glory of my master bed room.
I love this little walk down my hall, because it's like a little piece of me that makes it mine! All mine! This tiny space I had to fight for ;-) Sorry, that's the Irish girl coming out in me... ta he... 
Come on down my hall, lets take a trip Mr. Roger's style. I am not sure what some of you might see, but this is a stroll down crafting memory lane for me. Why, just look at this comfy, padded headboard that was one of my very first projects. 

On the right bedside table I have one of my favorite easy projects. It's another Restoration Hardware knock off, subway art of all my favorite hang out spots in my hometown- Boston. It's right next to a pair of new lamps I got on sale at Staples (of all places!). I was there for some more industrial prints- I use them to make art pieces- and found these swing arms lamps as well.

When I hop into bed each night, I throw my favorite union jack pillow with the sweet little ruffles that I sewed glued on myself onto the floor and fall fast asleep underneath some Anthro knock off, faux zinc letters. 
And on our dresser, three more projects- my upcycled bee lampshade, my faux zinc mirror and one final eye chart project. Sigh... I love not paying full price, it puts a girl right to sleep. 
➷ ➹via
Does anyone remember my inspiration pic from way back when? I love the color scheme. It makes the room feel so warm - but it was a little too stuffy for me. 
The icing on the cake, some new ikea pillow cases. Have you been there lately, I got these babies for 5 bucks a piece and that makes them nearly perfect. I couldn't be happier- I mean a good deal, that matches my space AND adds some missing texture. Love it!

I know our room isn't exactly, "my inspiration space," but geez, it's like that song Christina Agaluira song, "What a girl wants, What a girl needs." I'm holding my lighter app up high in the air, as I sing this, so feel free to join in. j/k... or am I?
I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I added a new knock off to my space. I will be back next week to show you how to save 500 bucks and make your own wall decor!
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June 4, 2013

➹10 Rad Redos: Kitchen Table Makeovers➷

Today, I had the craziest idea. I walked past my table and thought, “You are not the beauty I once thought you were.” To be fair, I found this table amongst many tables I longed for back in '04. It was tall, in a line of tall tables, but it stood higher than the rest. If it had a chin, it would have held it high, but these days it just seems to be too stinkin tall, too dark, too old. 

I thought about the different things I could do with it, but I just wasn’t certain. So, I did what most gals do when strapped for insight- I turned to Pinterest & my bloggy friends for some inspiration... 

and viola, I’m inspired! I think the last two are my favorites! With a little help from one of these redos, I may find a way to make my table hold its head high again. I smell I project coming on...
In the meantime, I'll be down in the trenches, planning, blueprinting, and designing this sucker, doing what it takes to make my table what it once was. Who knows? Maybe my table could actually tell me, “hat Willias was talkin’ bout,” if it could just find its voice again. 

Thanks for reading, wps (will post soon).
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May 31, 2013

➷ Repair Any Pressed Powder Make-Up ➹

I was running errands the other day and found myself patiently waiting in line at Target, thanks to some juicy tabloids mags. My purse shifted in the shopping cart, sending several contents, including my pressed powder, sailing through the air. It smashed mercilessly against the hard tile floor. 
I yelled, "Noooooo!!!" with an outstretched hand, but that didn't stop some muumuu-wearing-lady from rolling her cart right over the the broken powder... and then, sadly, my heart! ;-( I was really attached to my powder puff! We've been through thick and thin!!! If you gals are anything like me, then you'll understand when I say, I hear the military taps trumpet playing, as I walked up on its crumpled body. "Body bag for the sobbing customer in checkout number two," I thought I heard a nasally announcement over the intercom. 
Instead, my friends, it was just my mind playing tricks on me. 
Yet, right before my very eyes, the shrewd reality of disaster lie in the twin tan tracks, now running down Target's white tile floor. It looked like two speed stripes on a race car. Oh the agony... No the savagery... okay fine, enough!  I lost quite a bit of powder in the spill, but I salvaged some that was still inside the bottom. 
 I remembered hearing from... I can't remember where, but I do distinctly remember hearing that you could add some rubbing alcohol to powder and voila, pressed powder is restored. For this little project I sort of improvised and made things up as I went, but it was a piece of cake and took less than 5 minutes to do!
1. First things first, this SHOULD work for any pressed make up- eye shadow, blush, or bronzer or powder. If your powder is anything like mine, the piece will be in uneven sizes from the fall. So go ahead and even them out. Crush them up using a mortar and pestle, your hand, your cat- whatevers, there's no judgement here, this is a safe place!

2. Next, spread the powder into an even layer across the bottom of the case. Pretty much how it looks when it's spread out is what it will look like when its finished and dry. I wish I had spread mine out more evenly across the bottom, because little things like that drive me nutso! 
But that's what happens when you make it up as you go!
3. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the powder. I found it best to add one at a time, looking for dry areas to place the drop. This keeps you from over applying. I estimate it took 5-7 drops for my powder, which was 1/4 full. 
4. Moving on-this last step is optional. The powder will dry on its own and doesn't need to be messed with. 
However, I was sorta bummed to see how bumpy and uneven the results were. So I improvised. 
I cut a small piece of textured card stock into a circle and used it to press the fast-drying powder down. Just press down firmly and evenly, right after applying the rubbing alcohol, to get the best results. Then allow it to finish drying. 
Can you believe the difference between the two pics? Crazy, huh? The card stock works like a charm!

When it was finished drying, I did the Dairy Queen Blizzard test. You know, where you fearlessly flip it upside down and hope the whole thing doesn't fall onto your somewhat clean kitchen floor?! I am happy to report it worked perfectly! Ta da!! This is one easy peasy project, though I wish I didn't have to do it in the first place!! lol Since these things cost 20 bucks a pop, I imagine I saved about 4 dollars worth! ha!

I'm glad to be back here on the blog, what have you been up to?? Any make up disasters, or any other type, creeping up on you?
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May 28, 2013

➷ I'm Back!!! ➹

Hello, dearest bloggers! Oh, how I have missed you all! 

I have finished my first year of MBA school and the whole time I was itching to return to my blog! For those of you who have gotten an MBA, you know how awfully awesome getting your face kicked in by school can be! 
On the one hand, the kid in me was like, "Screw this! Blog! Blog! Blog!" 
On the other hand, the adult in me was like, "No time! Study! Study! Study!" So it's been a months since I've been able to say hello! 
None of you sweet ladies have any  idea how badly I wanted to do something, do anything, get out, and let all my pent up creativity out in a crazy project frenzy. Instead, my year was filled with long black skirts, tidy professional blouses, and math, math, math! 

I am sooooo... excited to see what's been going on and what this year has brought you. Please leave me links to your blogs or fav projects in the comments, so I can see what you've all been making!! 

Love yous guys! 
   ➸ xoxo ➸
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