Showing posts with label Reader Feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reader Feature. Show all posts

January 12, 2015

Feature: $10,000 Complete Kitchen Reno

Let me introduce you to Amanda and Ben from  A Humble A{Bowe}d - they are a rock star DIY couple, who can DIY with the best of them. They completely transformed their little bungalow, one step at a time, including this beautiful kitchen reno.  Amanda and Ben had a budget of 10 grand and they used it to do a top to bottom renovation. I know you'll love the white cabinets marble backsplash and glass front cabinets!

August 18, 2014

Blog Crush: Ridiculously Stylish Child's Nursery

Ford's nursery is one of those spaces that are, frankly, so pretty you want to look at them again and again. The interior designer, Nicole Davis, is distinctly talented, yet her photographer, Ashlee Raubach, deserves a shout out as well and let's not forget the uber-stylish mom, Nicole. This precious family which inhabits this home, Mom, baby Ford, but sister, Presley and Dad.

July 28, 2014

Feature: Hey Natalie Jean's Manhatten Flat

Zack and I are still in Cali for business- and, may I say, we are killing it! It is thrilling to shout out to my virtual friends that we have been getting sales every single day this month!! Hooray! I look for the email announcing sales throughout the day, every day, and once it comes, I look for the next one. I am an email obsessed nutcase, because it means it is happening!! Sales! A business!

August 2, 2013

Blog Crush: "In the Fun Lane's" Dreamy Kitchen

Have you ever had a day where you feel like you're watching a life through a scrambled TV signal? For those of you who grew up in the 80's and before-- perhaps you remember white noise? And how it was comprised of thousands of black dots scrambling around, all the while your speakers blasted the most irritating noise. And it was all you could do to change the channel so you didn't have to hear it one minute longer.
That was pretty much my day. 
 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4  //
I call this, Blah. BLAH is an acronym. for: Boring... Lame... Awful... Hmph! 

August 27, 2012

✥ Feature: "Big" Girl's Bedroom Reveal ✥

Happy Monday, everyone!! Today is my first real day of graduate school- since we finished our 9 day orientation. I am kinda excited to get started- you know when you have a really big build up, and it's like- let's do this!? I can't wait ti get in there- and get settled. So maybe I can visit my friend's blogs again!!
This is week 3 for our kid's room show off. I wanted to share the cutest kid's bedroom with you all today, via Shelly at Crazy Wonderful. Her blog is perfectly named because Shelly's style IS crazy wonderful...or super wonderful, either way she rocks the house. 
Duuude, do you love those curtains- or what?! I am lOviN them!
I know we love a good before and after- check this out! Here's what she started with.

And, here's the reveal!

SHelly is a DIYer after my own heart- she made a DIY chalk paint for the bright little night stand. 
The ruffled bedskirt was another great DIY, Shelly used a plain white bedskirt and added the ruffles. I love the cute details like that and like the bird on the pillowcase, but look how darling this pompom pillow is!!
Shelly says the reading nook and a place to display her daughter's books was a must have. But my favorite part- she was able to slipcover her grandmother's wingback and use it! What a sweet place to sit and hold your daughter! 

Make sure you pop over to find the sources and list of projects that made this whole room makeover possible for ONLY $350!!

I hope all of you are doing well!! I miss you guys!

August 13, 2012

✥ Feature: Dreamy Child's Bedroom ✥

I am super stoked to share a room from one of my favorite blogs! I may even have a blog crush on this one- I can't help it, I just LOVE everything Holly does. Her home is beautiful, she refinishes furniture and she has great style- in clothes and decor. If you don't know her blog already- this on one not to miss. I promise!

This feature is kicking off 4 weeks of children's rooms features. I know a ton of you gals have kiddos, so I thought I should include some kiddo inspiration in these features!!

This is the room Holly put together for her daughter, Wren.  These pics share the blank slate she started with. 

And here is the dramatic after!!
Doesn't it look so dreamy and soft?!?

Holly said that Wren's bedding created the color scheme for the room- meaning soft creamy whites and every shade of blue was welcome! 

Holly painted this old waterfall dresser/changing table herself. Of course we all love the enamel numbers she added to the front. 

I love the whimsy the colorful blue poofs add to the room! I think it reminds you it's a kid's space and to have some fun in there.

The antique cabinet is a real stand out piece and was store bought rather than repainted. I don't know if I would have seen it and had this vision in mind- but now I think it makes the space. Seems like a very expensive nursery- right?

What do you guys think? Too white for a kiddo's room? I have to side with Holly- in that children come with a ton of colorful accessories, toys, books and clothes- this is a perfect backdrop for all of that. Such a lovely space- not unlike the rest of her home- you should stop over and check out one of my all time favorite blogs! Make sure to tour her home renos page and don't miss Wren's new big girl room {I loooove her bed!}!

July 30, 2012

✥ Feature: Sleeping Porch ✥

Good day, dear friends! The hubs and I are still on vacation- living it up as we travel all over the western US. We've seen Yellowstone and the rain forest in Washington. Right now we are traveling down the Oregon coast, and heading towards Lake Tahoe. We've seen grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, elk, moose, mountain goats- and seen rivers and mountains! It has been quite the trip!
I came across this fantastic kitchen from Maple and Magnolia when it was featured at Whisper Wood Cottage and I believe it won their "all things kitchen" contest last winter. I think was published in Cottages and Bungalows, as a result. I'm sure you can totally see why- they warm gray walls, the crisp white upholstery and china.
Mix that with a few industrial elements and some warm wood or weathered wood- and I think you have the kitchen thousands of us are striving towards and would LOVE to see in our own homes! Am I right?
I think the real kicker is the gym basket storage center. I actually remember going to summer camp when I was 5, at my Dad's old high school, and they had gym baskets like this! Who would have thought they would become to chic?
The very best part- that's not even today's feature. See,  Susan is an incredibly talented decorator and her entire home is completely fabulous! When I saw her sleeping porch, I just about died! I mean, this is your porch? Can I have it for my very own bedroom, pretty, pretty please!!!
I think one of Susan's greatest decorating talents is knowing how to mix the right shapes to create an overall vision. If you look at the curves on the antique bed and the curves on the light with the round table and clock- it is a vision of white antique loveliness!! I know there are a ton of almost all white room fans among my readers- this room is for you!!
Just perfect for your guest to write come about their stay! I know you all adore the chippy old table, serving as a desk. It is the exact look tons of us try to replicate with various paint techniques.
The only pops of color come in pale aqua- found in a few glass vases and in a very pale vintage typewriter. There is just a faint floral pattern on the sheets, enough to add interest and dimension, but still creating a light and airy feel. Oh yeah, and some perfectly droopy tulips to add some pink, perfecting the shabby chic-ness!
I know you guys don't need me to point out all these lovely details, these rooms speak for themselves. I can bet you guys are already rushing over to Maple & Magnolia right now- to subscribe, and I don't blame you! I did the same! Hope you're enjoying your week, everyone! I am having a fantastic summer- get out there and get you some sun!

July 23, 2012

✥ Reader Feature: Rooftop Pallet Bed ✥

I think I am going to admit something a bit shameless about the blogs I read. In my mind, I have them separated by the type of blog they are. No, I do not mean DIY or fashion or something not al all embarrassing. {Well, unless maybe I had some freakishly strange interest or hobby.}
But rather the categories are based on the reason I follow them. Today's feature is of Karah, from the Space Between, and Karah falls into my "funny writer" category. That's not to say she doesn't have other reasons you should follow, I mean take a look at her rooftop bedroom for example. It's just that she is so real and unassuming, and I like it when someone makes me laugh and unveils a projects. THe two work well together. ;-)
Karah hails from the North East {like me!!}, but she now lives in Curaco, while I only live in Utah. {Maybe I should talk to her about a location trade?} She now rents {like me!!}, but she rents this little island home {whereas I only rent a condo.  wah wah!}


I had dreams.  I had visions.  I had pinned beautiful outdoor beds, and spaces and had images of what was sure to be our awesome, Awesome, AWESOME new pallet bed on our roof.
You saw this sneak peek this morning …
And, I have to admit, I do NOT have all that I had dreamed of.  But, considering that we have been talking about putting a pallet bed on the roof
 since we moved in, 2 and a half years ago, and we now have pallets on the roof with a mattress on top of it and a few cute accessories 

that will never hold up to the wind so I have to carry them up and down whenever we use the space

, I am thrilled.

I am also VERY 
 happy to report that we had a few rainy mornings this week (you would know it delayed my rooftop photo sessions if you are a Facebook friend) :) and the bed is in what, so far, has stayed a dry zone.  Yippee!!  Of course, if we get any freaky sideways rain (this has totally happened before), that would be different.

Now, I really, REALLY wanted a hanging bed.  How cool would that have been?  Gently swinging in the breeze.  Down right dreamy I imagine.  But then I realized that the roof rafters weren’t conducive to hanging a bed.  And I didn’t see the landlord looking favorably on my drilling big holes in her rafters.
No, I don’t know why that picture is at that angle.  I’m just taking ‘arsty photo angles’ to extremes, I guess.  And, no, I didn’t clean the roof at all or do anything with the random cords we like to keep up there to corrode in the elements.  ;)
Aaaaanyway, back to the not-nearly-as-awesome-as-I’d-imagined-but-awesome-all-the-same-rooftop-pallet-bed.
When push came to shove, I realized I really didn’t want to make a pallet bed at all … I really just wanted pallets to magically make a bed all on their own.  And, with a little painting of the pallet slats you can see (oh no I di -en’t paint the slats under the mattress), it does fit the bill of ‘pallet bed’.
And, back to those stinkin’ high roof rafters, I didn’t actually realize how high they were until after I strung together what I think could be a pretty-cool, beer-bottle, star-like, hanging pendant light and realized we don’t have a ladder tall enough to hang it. So, I did what any self-respecting 
 person would do, I nestled it by the pillows for a pic. 

Oh, yeah, and then we have what is supposed to be the ‘headboard’ for the bed.  There was actually cutting and nailing and measuring involved.  There was also a bunch of wind and a few curse words and the need to totally re-evaluate what to do with the headboard.
Once the mattress was in place it was more a game of ‘where’d the headboard go?’ than a relaxing spot to lean back and take in the view.  How happy am I that I didn’t 
 take the time to paint it?!?!  VERY happy.  :)

And speaking of wind, approximately .0011 seconds after each picture I had to re-tuck, fluff and otherwise prep the photo area.  Does this photo seem inappropriate to you?  Put your duvet down!

Yeah, just setting down 4 pallets is definitely not the only part I cut corners.  I put what I like to call a ‘skim coat’ of paint on the end of the pallet AND on the rug.  And, as you saw from the close up of the 
 headboard, I didn’t even bother with the skim coat on the other end of the pallets.
I did, however, try my hand at up-cycling some fabric into envelope closure pillow covers with success.  Yay!!  Score 1 for the good guys.  And, for anyone who is counting, we’re at 5 for the 
bad guys
 roof and pallets.  Sigh.

And, I did a little DIY pillowcase/cover embellishment.
And, I made these cute little candles …
 … and this ‘our beach house’ sign.
Which, (side note), was intended to go across the top of the headboard all cute like until it turned out it would be hidden behind all of the pillows because I made the headboard so flippin’ short!  ACK!!!
I also had visions of a flowing mosquito netting, especially after seeing ‘The Lucky One‘.  Hello this-isn’t-a-Disney-movie Zac Ephron.  But, with the wind, it is just impractical and unnecessary.  Would be uber romantic 
when it’s not blowing up my nose
, but not worth the expense or the effort to hang it from those high rafters.
All-in-all, we are stoked to finally have our version of a pallet bed on our roof.  It has been a long time coming and it will definitely get primped, tweaked and prodded 
again in 2 1/2 years
 over time.  But It. Is. Here!  And We. Will. Use. It!  Hip hip hooray!!


And, because I am the best bloggy host, ever {say that emphatically, like a valley girl from the 90's} I have rounded up a few of the tutorials included the post so you can better peruse Karah's awesomeness!
You guys will have to stop by Karah's- to find the blog behind the humor that was happening all throughout this fantastic post!  Andknow you want to know where the beer bottle lighting fixture ended up