I was running errands the other day and found myself patiently waiting in line at Target, thanks to some juicy tabloids mags. My purse shifted in the shopping cart, sending several contents, including my pressed powder, sailing through the air. It smashed mercilessly against the hard tile floor.
I yelled, "Noooooo!!!" with an outstretched hand, but that didn't stop some muumuu-wearing-lady from rolling her cart right over the the broken powder... and then, sadly, my heart! ;-( I was really attached to my powder puff! We've been through thick and thin!!! If you gals are anything like me, then you'll understand when I say, I hear the military taps trumpet playing, as I walked up on its crumpled body. "Body bag for the sobbing customer in checkout number two," I thought I heard a nasally announcement over the intercom.
Instead, my friends, it was just my mind playing tricks on me.
Yet, right before my very eyes, the shrewd reality of disaster lie in the twin tan tracks, now running down Target's white tile floor. It looked like two speed stripes on a race car. Oh the agony... No the savagery... okay fine, enough! I lost quite a bit of powder in the spill, but I salvaged some that was still inside the bottom.
I remembered hearing from... I can't remember where, but I do distinctly remember hearing that you could add some rubbing alcohol to powder and voila, pressed powder is restored. For this little project I sort of improvised and made things up as I went, but it was a piece of cake and took less than 5 minutes to do!
1. First things first, this SHOULD work for any pressed make up- eye shadow, blush, or bronzer or powder. If your powder is anything like mine, the piece will be in uneven sizes from the fall. So go ahead and even them out. Crush them up using a mortar and pestle, your hand, your cat- whatevers, there's no judgement here, this is a safe place!
2. Next, spread the powder into an even layer across the bottom of the case. Pretty much how it looks when it's spread out is what it will look like when its finished and dry. I wish I had spread mine out more evenly across the bottom, because little things like that drive me nutso!
But that's what happens when you make it up as you go!
3. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the powder. I found it best to add one at a time, looking for dry areas to place the drop. This keeps you from over applying. I estimate it took 5-7 drops for my powder, which was 1/4 full.
4. Moving on-this last step is optional. The powder will dry on its own and doesn't need to be messed with.
However, I was sorta bummed to see how bumpy and uneven the results were. So I improvised.
I cut a small piece of textured card stock into a circle and used it to press the fast-drying powder down. Just press down firmly and evenly, right after applying the rubbing alcohol, to get the best results. Then allow it to finish drying.
Can you believe the difference between the two pics? Crazy, huh? The card stock works like a charm!
When it was finished drying, I did the Dairy Queen Blizzard test. You know, where you fearlessly flip it upside down and hope the whole thing doesn't fall onto your somewhat clean kitchen floor?! I am happy to report it worked perfectly! Ta da!! This is one easy peasy project, though I wish I didn't have to do it in the first place!! lol Since these things cost 20 bucks a pop, I imagine I saved about 4 dollars worth! ha!
I'm glad to be back here on the blog, what have you been up to?? Any make up disasters, or any other type, creeping up on you?