I had never really read blogs before I started mine. I expected to write about Z and I and , well, just life. But very quickly I realized blogs are awesome! Seriously, I couldn't believe I had never checked them out before. My favorite to read were and still are home blogs about creative and inspirational DIY decorating.
When I decided to start blogging my own little projects there was a pretty big learning curve. But I took note of all the little {and big} touches that set popular blogs aside from the run of the mill family one.
I noticed that creating an identity was important. One way to do that was to add a personalized signature to sign off at the end of a post. Adding a signature is a piece of cake. Head over to
My Live Signature where they will walk you through a few easy steps in creating your new individualized touch.
You will choose the font, color, size, and angle your signature can appear.
You don't need an account, just select "Click Here to Start" .
On the next page we are going to select the first option,
Step 1:Write your name, as you want it to appear in the box.
Step 2: On the next page we can choose from 120 different fonts by viewing a preview.
Here's some of the ones I liked:
From there you will be asked to select all your specifications to make your name look exactly as you'd like it to.
Step 3: Pick out your size, I think I choose size #5. I'm not 100% certain though.
Steep 4: Color. Just double click in the box and you'll have the whole color wheel to choose from.
In this screen shot you can see the preview for my name on the left.
I chose a transparent background and a color for my name.
Step 5: Pick the slant for your name. Currently I have slope #1, which is pretty much 0 slope. I think I'll change it in the future, to make my name stand apart from all the other text a little better.
Go to the next page and you will have 3 options of what you can do with your new signature. You wan the last choice, "Want to Use this Signature?"
The link takes you to the next page, just click on "Generate HTML Code."
Step 6: Now your last decision, would you like you name to appear with other writing or alone. Do you use a good bye tag line? Would you like to start using one?
For example, some peeps say "Hugs" or "xoxo" or something like that. Now's your time to add one if you want one.
Preview your choice and click on "Generate Code" once you've finished.
Step 7:Choose the link "Generate Code for Blogging" { there are other usage options if you want to explore those on your own}
Below your new code you should select "click here" to get directions on how to insert the code into your blog.
It's super easy, I copied them and pasted them below in case you guys have questions.
To add your signature to a post:
- Select "Code" in the editor window
- Insert the HTML code of the signature
- Select "Visual" and continue editing
To add your signature to a post:
- Click "Edit HTML" in the editor window
- Insert the HTML code of the signature
- Click "Edit HTML" and continue editing
Basically, your signature Html code is
pasted into the Html version of
EACH post you write. You can paste it anywhere, I always scroll to the very bottom and paste it in there.
BLOGGER: You can also upload it
permanently into your
blog template- just go to:
- Settings
- then: Posts and Comments
- in the Post Template box add your img src code
Super easy and quick way to help personalize your blog, portray who you are, and solidify you blogging identity. Hope that helps some of you new guys. I wished I had help with these things { like
making blog buttons,
creating the Html code to allow others to copy your button, personalizing your
Favicon, and adding
Email and
RSS social media icons} when I was getting started.
That's why I write these babies up! Hope they help!
Looking for places to link up your projects? Check out my Party page