Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

September 5, 2011

Freezer Paper Transfer [Tutorial]

This is a follow up post to my new framed bulletin board. I made a custom  bulletin board to hide this giant eye sore/ fridge that was visible in my kitchen and living room.

I used freezer paper as a transfer method, it was a little more involved than I expected, so I thought it deserved a full post, to make sure I can get all the steps down right and as to not make the last post a novel!


  • Spray Adhesive
  • Freezer Paper
  • Printer- Ink Jet
  • Printer Paper
  • Elmer's Glue
  • Hairspray 
  • Spoon
So let's walk through the process of {first} making the graphic and {second} getting it onto the fabric.

For the images, I turned to The Graphic Fairy and started putting images together on Microsoft Word. I knew the elements I really wanted and it was just a matter of putting them in the right order-
I really wanted: a wreath, crown, at least two fonts, some numbers i.e. dates. 
Feel free to grab this if you want to u
Here's what I came up with.

Once you've got things the way you want them, make sure you reverse the image! For this transfer method you need the mirror image of your graphic to be printed up.
At the last minute I thought I goofed up my graphic when I realized I wrote "Grains" in English, not French! But several online French dictionaries swear the word is the same in both languages.
It had better be, because it's too late now!

I wasn't sure how to resize the image in Word, I wanted it to end up almost 2 x 3 feet.
So I copied it into an Excel doc.
With Excel it's a piece of cake to set your exact measurements. Just double click on your graphic and a box pops up for you to choose your exact measurements.You should also adjust your border measurements. This will have you use fewer transfer sheets and then make getting the images lined up easier. Too bad I forgot to do this myself!
I'd decided to use freezer paper for a transfer method. It was a perfect tool for this project because I was going to need several sheets for printing. It also works because my end product doesn't need to be washable. You can find freezer paper at Walmart for 2 bucks and it comes in a huge roll, something like 175 ft.

Freezer paper transfers can be used with ink jet printers. You can do transfers of all sizes {as long as your printer is full of ink}. Although I haven't tried all of these, they can be used to transfer on a wide variety of surfaces: wood, painted surfaces, porous and non porous fabrics. If the surface is smooth you will get a very clear transfer versus a porous surface { like fabric with a heavy weave} you will have results that look distressed. They're basically awesome!

In order to print on freezer paper, it's a good idea to cut it into sheets a day before and then lay them under a book to flatten them out. {For those of you who want less work and don't mind spending a little more money, you can actually buy freezer paper in 8x10 sheets. For me, cutting them was not a big deal.} You should cut the freezer paper  little larger than the size of your printer paper.

After the papers are flattened out, it's time to attach them to a sheets of printer paper. I used spray adhesive to attach the papery side of the freezer paper to the printer paper. When I work with spray adhesive I set up a little zone coerced in cardboard. If you ever go to Ikea they give out sheets of cardboard over by the loading zone. I believe they're supposed to protect your roof when you bring home your goodies. I always grab a few and some of their butcher paper they provide for you to wrap your breakables.

On my kitchen counter I set up a cardboard barrier, then lay out my printer paper. I spray on the glue, then lay down a layer of paper.
I put my glued pages on the butcher paper, then smooth one sheet of freezer paper on each one. Why all the hassle? Well, if you get any glue on the back of your printer paper, it won't go through the printer. The preparation will save you a lot of grief later. Trust me!

When the freezer paper s attached to the printer paper you can trim the edges. You want  the freezer paper to overlap the printer paper a little on each edge. My printer will only take up to a 8 x 10 sheet of paper, so I could only have a little overlap. If I had a choice I would've done about 1/4 inch overlap.

When you have all the pages you need, you're ready to print. You want to print on the SHINY, plastic coated side!

You need to print them one at a time.
Let's take a look at how I learned that. Major bummer, right? My printer made it to page 9 before it grabbed 4 sheets at once and started printing across all of them. Not awesome.
I was able to wash off the ink and reuse a few of the sheets, but not if I didn't have a good overlap on that side. You can use a tiny bit of water on a paper towel and wipe off the ink, but don't get any water near the edges of your paper, it will seep under the edges of the freezer paper and ruin the paper side.

When each sheet comes off the printer you need to grab it and lay it out. The ink is very wet and will easily smear. Again, I learn the hard way. Guess that's why my tutorials and always so in depth, I seem to make every mistake possible! The ink will not dry, so keep all the pages in order and don't try to stack them or touch them.

When they're all printed up you're ready to transfer them.

I started the project just like you'd tile a room, I began from the center. First measure to make sure you're even. I always make a spacer. In this case, a piece of paper I can lie next to the image I going to transfer. That way I can easily see I'm lined up and can focus on the actual transfer.

In order to transfer the image you need to lightly wet the area. Since I was transferring to cloth I used a spray bottle to wet it.  I did a test spot on some scrap burlap and used the screwed up crown print off. I am so glad I tested it out first because the ink bled pretty badly. You can see some of my first results below on the right.
So I used an old trick for writing on t-shirts, I sprayed the fabric with aerosol hair spray. I did a few trials and three light coats, allowing for drying time, seemed to do the trick. You can see my results above on the left.
So I sprayed the hair spray over my entire fabric {again- 3 light coats}.
Then used my spray bottle to dampen the fabric, in square sections. You want to work one page at a time, that way you know exactly how wet the area will be.

Mist the area, 2-3 sprays, then lay the page down.
Hold the page firmly and use a large spoon the burnish {rub} the area. You can peak to see if you've rubbed enough. But make sure you're not moving the sheet around.
{I had a couple spots where I can tell the paper must have shifted. Mostly on my first transfer.}
 In the picture down above I tried to show you all the different degrees of ink transfer, so you know exactly when you've done it right. You're looking for the paper to look light grey, with all the fresh black ink rubbed off onto your surface.

When most the ink is rubbed off you take a warm iron and apply it to the back of the paper for 10-20 seconds. At first I thought this made the transfer darker. But then later I moved the freezer paper before I remembered to iron on top of it { twice } I cannot say I saw a difference in those areas. So it's up to you whether you want to do it or not. It's possible you're supposed to do it because it sets in the ink or something, but who knows?

That's all there is to it. Just line up the pages, making sure the edges match up and everything is straight. It takes 24 hours to cure, so don't mess up all your hard work!

That's all I can think of {like that wasn't enough!} I know it sounded like a lot, but that's only because I'd rather give you all the information so that you can do it right the first time and save yourselves some hassle.

If you wanna see how the rest of the  framed bulletin board project came together, just click here! Good luck with your projects!
Looking for places to link up your projects? Check out my Party Page!
I'm also linked up here.

August 11, 2011

Create & Personalize Blog Favicon [Tutorial]-Lose that Orange B

You know when you're online, the icon to the left of your web address?

Well, that is called a favicon and if you blog on Blogger is looks like an orange "B" and on Wordpress it's a black "W".
While you're reading my post right now, you'll see a little house and a "G 2 B" on it.

So there's a FREE way to make your own. You guys know how I love to make my own blogging accessories, cause I'm kinda cheap frugal like that!
You just head over to Favicon and sign up for a free account.
{You have to sign up, or else you can't copy and save your creation- which is annoying since you have to start over, not that I know from experience!}
Once your account is created you can design your favicon however you'd like. Something that signifies your blog theme of blog name is probably a good idea.

There's two ways {that I know of} to add a favicon to a blog.
The 1st Way
Once you've decided you like the icon, you can look at "Preview" and underneath it click to "download" it.
Next go into your Dashboard and click on "Design."
Right under "Add and Arrange Page Elements" you'll see "Favicon" go ahead and click on "edit." You want to add the saved file here. Save the addition and preview it. If anything's wrong you can delete the text out and start over, no worries.
Once you've saved your changes you should be good to go.

 This 2nd Way is a little harder- but it's the way I learned first so I'm sure you can do it too.

Once you've decided you like the icon, you can look at "Preview" and underneath it click to 
"publish under an open license."
You will be prompted to title it, then you'll get directed to a new page that will hold all the icons you make.
Click on the title of your favicon and you'll get a page with the ability to download you icon or copy its code.
There are directions with the code for where to insert the icon's html code. But basically it tells you to go into your Dashboard and click on "Design."
Right under the page tabs you'll see "edit html" go ahead and click on that.
(People say you should copy your whole page before touching it, creating a back up for yourself, since you WILL be inserting code there in just a minute.  But don't worry too much about inserting code into your page layout- you can preview the changes and "clear edits" so nothing to be too freaked out about.)
Now go back to the Favicon website and copy the second html code {the lower one} for your new icon.
Then insert the code in between and . For me it's about 2/3's of the way down the page. {You can just "control F" search for it.}  Then Preview it and if you like it, save your changes.

Good luck with this one guys, but it sounds harder than it is. It's just a little difficult to explain. Let me know if you all have questions!

 Update: I thought I'd add in the new updated version of my favicon to go with my new blog background!
Also- thank you all for letting me know when you've finished making your own! I LOVE getting to see what you guys come up with!

July 31, 2011

Tutorial: Create Email Social Media Icon

As my blog has been growing, I've began the process of figuring out the technical side of blogging, 
I've posted on how you can make your own blog button and how you can create copyable button code so others can grab it.

You've probably noticed how bigger blogs have social media icons allowing you to easily link up with them using various sources like Facebook, Pinterest, and email. Most buttons follow the same process [tutorial here]- but the email button needs an extra link. You can make one, download one from online or grab one below--then follow this tutorial to add it to your blog

 Well, let's make ourselves an email link, OK?
[1] Decide on an image what you want to use to represent the link on your blog. This often looks like and {e} or an image of a letter. There are sites like Design Matterz that allow you to use images for free, and this one has a great selection of colors. You can also use any of these icons from that were free downloads by dragging them onto your desktop.

[2] Once you've decided on the image, upload it to a photo hosting site, like PhotoBucket. This is important because we need an image code that we will insert into our html code.
[3] Now you want to copy the grey code and insert your email address and your direct image code in place of the red portions.

[4] You are now ready to insert the code into the Html portion of your blog or (more likely) into your blog background. To do this you should go to the "design" page, then click on "add a gadget." Next click on the gadget "HTML/Javascript." Here you can insert your entire code.

That's all there is to it. I guess I'll be working on the other buttons next.
Good luck making your own!

July 7, 2011

✥ 15 Ideas for DIY Canvas Art ✥

I have a few blank canvases laying around the house so I've been scouring Pinterest, blogs, and Google Images for inspiration. I was looking for a variety of different ways to use my canvases, different techniques to employee.
 That's one of the best things about canvas art, it's so versatile. I thought I'd share some of my finds with you all, so that you may find some *inspiration* too!

{Some of these upcoming ideas I LOVE, some I like, others aren't really for me. But isn't that the beautiful thing about design? There is something for everyone!}

(One) Stencil 

 Subway art is HUGE right now, well I guess it has been for over a year. But a canvas is an excellent way to make you own.
-click on images to find links-

One more {super-sized} stencil project for good measure. This time, typewriter typography meets canvas.  I love it!

(Two) Fabric

These canvases, as well as the many other fabric covered canvases, are some of the funnest and most impactful choices out there.  Unfortunately this gorgeous example is from a discontinued blog, but I love how they applied fabric to make the branches spread out from the center.

(Three)  Vinyl 

Vinyl Over Paint: 
This little baby made the feature rounds a few months back. It is an excellent example of what can be done with a little chevron+vinyl ingenuity. Love me some turquoise!

Vinyl Under Paint: 
Not only does this look amazing (I love me some graphic art) but it's also a Pottery Barn knock off! Didn't Jennifer do an awesome job? I can't even tell the difference between hers and PB's!

(Four) Maps

Just like covering the canvas with paper, but a little more interesting- well at least in my opinion! I super love the map art, whether it is trending or not. Like it, love it, want some more of it.
(Five) Paper 

I've seen quite a few versions of this project that have been framed in shadowboxes, but it looks just as cute in a canvas. This one was a sweet gift from a new mommy to her baby.


(Six) Newspaper

Do you love this? Are you sensing a theme in my choices? Obviously I have typography on the brain.
This is a West Elm copy and I am loving it too. Think I may be copying this little guy in the near future.

Tissue Paper 

This project has endless possibilities with all the different tissue papers out there. Then with the personalized monogram it's perfection!
(Eight) Newspaper & Vinyl

This is the best of both worlds, newsprint and vinyl. I love how the image is continues to the next canvas.

(Nine) Paint

This project was created using a projector to paint a deer image on top of a painted canvas. I am a little obsessed with using deer images in decor. I would probably buy this canvas I like it so much! I think she did a fantastic job!

(Ten) Toilet Paper Rolls

Look at this ingenuity! How many toilet paper rolls have you thrown away in your lifetime? Well not anymore! Check out this creative use for an object we throw away all the time. My mind is swirling with the shapes I could make!

(Eleven) Card Stock Under Paint

Wt a little more dimension on your canvas, but still looking for simplicity? This could be the way to go.



Paint & Image Transfer Technique

This was a fantastic idea! Tracy painted her canvas then used a Graphic Fairy image to recreate this Pottery Barn favorite. You'll have to check out how she used Mod Podge to transfer the image onto the canvas. 
So clever!

Scrapbook Paper

Here scrapbook paper is used to create a coordinated art grouping for a playroom.

Wrapping Paper

Along the same lines, wrapping paper was used here to wrap large canvases. The definite pro for this choice would be size. You'd be able to do much larger pieces of art, on a small budget, ad if you used a spray adhesive and varnished them they could look legit! 



And for our last idea, a strong finale from Sherri and John, making their own photo canvas. They saved a ton of money and will fill you in on the best adhesive for the job.

Oh yeah, and the project at the top- two Restoration Hardware Eye chart knock offs- that one was mine! SO I guess it was 16 DIY canvas art ideas! I used a poster and Mod Podge to make my art.
I hope these ideas get the creative juices going.