March 3, 2014

Lathe-Turned Wooden Drawer Pulls

Life keeps on taking many turns! I went from being a social worker, to getting an MBA. Often, my life reminds me of that soap opera, "As the World Turns" and though my life is not nearly as dramatic as the show, I find that saying to be true, which is why, I'm naming this post, "As the Lathe Turns." 

February 24, 2014

DIY Restoration Hardware Chalkboard Roller Map

Aten-hut! All blogger-readers stand at attention! Orient your eyes at the military chalkboard below. You will read the following post and execute instructions with military precision. Dismissed. I've always wanted to wear a uniform and shout instructions. Just kidding.

February 21, 2014

Huckleberry Love Contributor Post: DIY Chevron Door Mat

Hi Guys, I'm so excited to share a new addition to the from G2B team, it's the girls behind Huckleberry Love! If you don't know them yet, you should change that right now! It's the cutest blog full of recipes, sewing, and kids projects. I thought it was the perfect compliment to what is missing around here at my blog! 
The blog is written by these cutest girls: Emily, Jamie, Jill and Lydia. Emily is writing for us today!


February 17, 2014

DIY Air Freshener Replacement

As many of you know I am a full-time MBA program and I have recently invented a wood stain. I've decided to start posting more of those adventures so this will be the beginning of my business world. I'll begin with what my product is. My product is incredibly unique. You take normal looking wood, dip and let it dry. Once it dries it has an incredible weathered drift reclaimed look.

February 10, 2014

Faux Bois "Love" Drop Cloth Pillow
[ No Sew ]

Pillows are a girls best friend! It's not diamonds. Who ever thought that up? Those splendid, delicate, soft, clouds of glory catch me every time I need them too. Think I'm wrong? Think again. When a girl feels sad, she cries on her pillow. When a girl is happy, she plops down on a pillow. When a girl is angry, she buries her face in her pillow and screams at the tippy-top of her lungs. When a girl is confessing her true feelings, she's laying on a pillow. We even we have our own kiddos. Where do you put your them? That's right, on a pillow. We ladies use pillows for everything. Not even sure why they put a diamond in the center of a ring. It should be a piece of fabric from you favorite P-O-Double L---OMG-W. Am I right, or am I right? 

February 4, 2014

Faux Bois -Every Day I Love You- Sign

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, the love projects are piling up around my ears. I'm not talking about pink and red tacky decor that you want to take down the moment the big day has passed, this one purely the good stuff- decor that will work every time of year but is perfect for right now!