July 27, 2017

July 20, 2017

July 19, 2017

Rustic Cherry Kitchen Custom Reface

A lot of us have old, outdated cabinets and when they're in terrible physical shape, it's a no brainer. Replace the whole thing! But what do you do when the cabinets are solid wood or pretty new but ugly, not your style, or replacing is not in the budget? A cabinet reface is a great choice for any of those options. A reface can include either new doors & re-stained boxes or just re-staining both the doors and boxes. This cherry kitchen was a reface and it looks like 100% custom job now!

July 13, 2017

July 12, 2017

Faux Chippy Pine Farmhouse Table

This week's post is from a friend and Weatherwood stockist friend, April James from April James InteriorsApril is a professional, certified painter and I always learn new techniques from her. She takes a brand new pine table and turns it into an authentic-looking antique. I don't know anyone who do make a brand new piece look like a textured, chippy old piece of farmhouse furniture better than April! 

July 6, 2017

July 5, 2017

Weathered Gray Oak Ladder

I hope you fellow Americans had a Happy 4th of July!! Okay, I need help. For the last 8 years, I have lost 10 lbs and then grained 10 lbs, over and over thru out the year. It's not a big deal to most people, because I never get too heavy. But it's demoralizing and driving me crazy! I am so tired of wearing my fat pants, then skinny, then fat agin. I don't really think it's my workout. I love to workout, so whenever my back is up to it, I workout. That means it is most likely food, ahem,... ice cream. Does anyone have any tips? I would love to hear them.

June 29, 2017