February 13, 2015

Faux Bois *Love* Drop Cloth Pillow

Pillows are a girls best friend! It's not diamonds. Who ever thought that up? Those splendid, delicate, soft, clouds of glory catch me every time I need them too. Think I'm wrong? Think again. When a girl feels sad, she cries on her pillow. When a girl is happy, she plops down on a pillow. When a girl is angry, she buries her face in her pillow and screams at the tippy-top of her lungs. When a girl is confessing her true feelings, she's laying on a pillow. We even we have our own kiddos. Where do you put your them? That's right, on a pillow. We ladies use pillows for everything. Not even sure why they put a diamond in the center of a ring. It should be a piece of fabric from you favorite P-O-Double L---OMG-W. Am I right, or am I right? 

February 12, 2015

February 11, 2015

Always Never Done: Valentine’s Day Framed Heart Stencil

Hi everybody! Are we all making it through winter ok so far? If you are  on the east coast its BITTER cold in case you wondering. Let's think warm thoughts shall we.

This month I am going to show you how to make a really easy and cute piece of artwork  that you can make for Valentine's Day or just keep up year round if you are into hearts.

Valentine's Day Framed Heart Stencil-Always-Never-Done 7-1

February 10, 2015

The Handmade Hangout Features #34

Dang you guys- we had nearly 550 link up this last week! I'm so thrilled- our 5 blog party has just exploded!! The very best part is we have thousands  of click-thrus- that means great exposure for everyone!  Thank you to those who took the time to link up, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 3 pm EST. 

February 5, 2015

February 4, 2015

Renovar Design: Valentine's Balloon Messages

Hi guys! Hope the new year is treating you well! We have been very busy here over at Renovar Design! I can't believe it is February already, can you?! Time flies...

This month I am bringing you a project I did a few years ago for my girlies! It will be a picture heavy post & I hope you enjoy it!

I have two daughters who I refer to affectionately, yet anonymously, on the blog as Kid 1 and Kid 2 ♥

This was my Valentine's gift to my girls:

Renovar Design Valentine Balloon

I simply took scrapbook paper and cut them out in heart shapes. I used a hole punch to put a hole in a corner of each one. Randomly. I then wrote sentiments on them (see below) and tied them onto the string of the balloons.

Renovar Design Valentine 1

Therefore, each balloon had a heart on it.

Renovar Design Valentine 2

The hearts had their name & were numbered on one side.

Renovar Design Valentine 3

Each girlie had the number of hearts/balloons to coordinate with how many Valentine's Days they have been alive to celebrate. (Kid 1 - 13 and Kid 2 -9)

Renovar Design Valentine 4

I sent them on a search to read them in the order that I had wrote them. (ex. 1, then 2, then 3.)

Renovar Design Valentine 6

Each heart had a reason why I loved them. "Kid 2, I love you because..."

Renovar Design Valentine 5 

They absolutely loved it!!!♥

Renovar Design Valentine 7

So did the cats!

Renovar Design Valentine 8

(Just because I thought it was adorable how here socks looked after a long day as a 4th graderl!)

Renovar Design Valentine 9

Then, Kid 2 re-purposed the balloons for a gift for me! ♥ (Yes, I cried!) ♥ (...because I am emotional like that.)

Renovar Design Valentine 11 Renovar Design Valentine 12

And because they both STILL talk about how much they loved it ~ I am doing it again this year! (Kid 1 - 16 & Kid 2 -12 & I have a new husband and will do how many Valentine's we have celebrated together -5) The hardest part is fitting ALL of the balloons in the car and hoping that they don't pop! I did buy 6 extra that year & only 1 had popped :) I just added blank hearts onto those to add to the fun of the "hunt" for their names! Having so many balloons to buy this year ~ I may have to make 2 trips to Party City ~ but I think it will be so worth it!!
Have you done a unique Valentine's project with your family? Becca and I would LOVE (←intentional pun) to hear about what you did!
Hope you all enjoy Valentine's Day with your loved ones & I look forward to sharing a post again in March!

~jenny from Renovar Design

February 3, 2015

The Handmade Hangout Features #33

We had around 330 links for last week's party!! Thank you to those who took the time to link up, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 3 pm EST. 

February 2, 2015

State [Love] Pillow

#pillow #statelove #massachusetts

Yes, it's nearly Valentine's Day! Almost time to tell that special someone how much you love them. Maybe you'll receive chocolates, flowers, or something special.
Do you remember what it was like in high school on V-day? Watching the most popular girl get a carnation in one class, then the next, and the next? For better or for worse, every girl waited, pretending not to care, but ready to leap out of her chair and fight each other to the death for those stupid cheap flowers. The more the other girls got, the more nerve wracking the day would get.