January 23, 2014

DIY Hairspray ▪ Simple, Natural, Easy

I know, this sounds crazy, but did you know you can make your own hairspray??!! I know, I know- this is not something you would normally think to DIY, but alcohol is NOT great for our hair and now you have an alternative. 

January 20, 2014

Instagram ▪Easy Change▪ Photo Plaques

Remember how I've been talking about the wood stain business I started? Yeah- I haven't brought it up in a couple months. And I don't know why- it's all I think about and work on [when I'm not blogging!] I thought I'd share one of the little plaques I stained awhile back. I was feeling guilty about the hundreds of Instagram photos I've taken- that only see the light of day for a few hours. 

January 14, 2014

DIY Gilded Envelopes

It's the time of year when we write real letter on real paper-for real people. Letter of love, thanks, and gratitude for those we cherish. I had a few packs of cards, but they didn't feel very...special. Nothing makes something feel more special than does gold. Here's an easy way to add a little glam to your stationary!

January 10, 2014

New Year's Bloggy Resolutions & A Survey

Hello dearest friends. 
It's been nearly a week and a half since we've chatted and I have missed you terribly! I hope the holidays ended happily for you all and that all our weeks of preparation paid off. As everyone is making New Year's resolutions, I wanted to try something different. I don't usually make resolutions, since I make goals all the time. It has always seemed pointless to do so on one dedicated day. But this year was different, life has been speeding by so quickly that I've felt the need to stop and think. New Year's day Zack and I went  to a hot spring. I floated around the pools nearly all day and thought, and thought, and thought some more. (which was delightful!)

December 31, 2013

Top 10 Projects in 2013

Hey Friends!
I hope your holiday was beyond lovely and I had an incredibly wonderful time. We had a fantastic time with friends and friends that feel like family.  We also survived a few days of travel on those crazy highways-  I know you know what I'm talking about here.

I'm following the tradition of years and years and doing a project round up. Here's the top projects viewed from 2013-2014. 

December 23, 2013

DIY Glitter Glass Ornaments

Tis the season to be jolly! And Merry! And Cheery! 
All my life I have found happiness in Christmas. I think many of you probably feel the exact same way. I remember when I was a little girl, my father would take the entire family to the church and we'd listen to the Christmas message and learn about Christ. I would practically explode with anticipation as Santa would finish the night with presents and candy. It was so magical and though commercialism has saturated the market, the magic is still there. You just have to look for it in ways that bring it alive.