Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

July 27, 2012

✥ Ammo Box Storage {+ other finds + my real life} ✥

This is a post about making do. About being happy with what you have, when you have it and about trying to make the most of, well, everything. 
You may have noticed, I hardly ever post pics from our kitchen. For those of you new to my lil blog, I am currently renting a condo. I know- rent the 4 letter word of decorating. It limits our design options and choices. It stiffles our vision for our space.
It's basically like throwing a DIYer in the corner for a time out and telling them they can't play!
And although I have wondered on countless occasions if my landlords would even notice if the cabinets were mysteriously painted white {because, would they??!}...Instead I decided to be grateful for what I have.
To be brave, and share a few images from my space. To share how I've given myself a few vignettes that allow my eyes to rest on something beautiful, instead of something honey, oak!!
There are a few other reasons for this post. 
I wanted to share the reason why why rent in the first place. We moved to Utah with the intention of going back to school. Both Zack and I wanted to go get our MBAs. So this last year we applied to school and we are A GO to start a fantastic, highly ranked, full time program next month!
I guess selling our home and down-sizing was worth it- because the plan worked! I am so stoked to be starting school with my best friend beside me! {Because, let's be honest, I probably would be freaking out if I had to go it alone!!!}

And although I said I've decided to be grateful for what I had, you know, rather than the alternative of being an ungrateful brat blogger, I can say I have a project up my sleeve that could do a little something awesome to this little room. It would not change the color of the cabinets and actually does NOT involve paint- but I've purchased the necessary materials and I'm feeling optimistic. :-)
So let's just call these pics- the "before" shots. Cross your fingers for me that my crazy, ridiculous idea turns out awesome. Cause I hate to have to come back and share a project FAIL!
Maybe you've noticed my "new" storage boxes above the cupboards? I used to have some Ikea crap boxes up there. It's where I store extra ziplock bags and foil and spices, since we have no pantry. They are military ammo crates and they come with authentic dirt, I mean patina! ;-) The wood is all gray and they are crazy sturdy. One of them is stenciled explosives, while the other says mortars.  Did I ever mention that Z was in the Marine's for 6 years?  So this is a little nod to his past and I love them. 

I grabbed this cute owl butter dish from West Elm the other day. {clearance}

Remember the vanilla I made 2 weeks ago?
And below- a new soap dish, also from West Elm.

Although this kitchen will never look like Karianne's or Kelly's. I guess, for now, it is mine.
And anyway, instead of looking at Pinterest all day, I'll be looking at text-books instead. I think I'll decide to be grateful for that! Wish me luck on the upcoming school adventure and with the zany project I am starting next!!

I'm also linked up here.

July 20, 2012

✥ UT Blogger Social Recap ✥

Oh my goodness.
You guys.
I had so much FUN at the Utah Bloggers Dinner!

Lindsay {via Southern Lovely} and I were thrilled to meet up with several local bloggers. We had so much fun chatting it up and eatin good grub at the Brick Oven in Provo.
{Too bad we took this pic while gals were at the salad bar- but we tried to get at least one before we stuffed our faces!}

Lindsay and I had never met in "real" life before- but truthfully, I felt like I had known her my whole life. You know how that happens every once in a great while?  I could not have asked for a better girl to put this little shindig together with. She rocked the house in a major way and I was totally thrilled to know her in real life!

So many talented ladies showed up and I feel like I made a ton of great friends. It was fantastic!
It was exactly what I was looking for- friends who understand the what an SEO is... and the importance of social networking. Gals who would rather paint walls than their nails.  I can't speak for anyone else-
but I was totally blown away by how great all the girls were and ow fun the night was!
I guess I was feeling nervous to meet all new people and about how things would go, but {thankfully} it exceeded my expectations!!!

I had TONS of fun with these darling friends- {it's me}, Beth from Free Stylin &
 Erin from Lavender and Lemon Drops!
Beth is hilarious and such a treat to talk with! She runs a crafty, DIY and design blog. We both have a background in social work- so it's too funny that we both blog about design.
Erin runs a DIY and design blog- that I've been a fan of for months and months. We both love us some knock offs- so I was first drawn to her for that. I love how her casual and friendly approach to blogging. She has great style and taste, so you can always count on her to round up beautiful ideas.

Amanda from Burlap and Denim
Ruth from What's Cooking With Ruthie
I have "known" Amanda for quite some time- and adore her work. She is crazy, ridiculously talented and has a crafty DIY and design blog! {A girl after my own heart!}
Ruth is a brand new buddy- I luv her blog story- she writes a fab food blog and it's named after her grandmother's cooking TV show from the 60's, with the same title. Too cool!

Mary from Casey~Mary~GerretMarissa from Raegun Ramblings  &
Elisabeth from La Vita Bella
Mary is totally funny and a super cute local blogger and a close friend of mine- we went to church together and worked in the nursery. If that's not a bonding experience, I do NOT know what is!!. She writes a family and lifestyle blog.
Marissa is a sweetheart- she is totally outgoing and a great networker! I've linked up at her Wednesday party for months now. Her blog is full of great sewing ideas and recipes. I may have to take her up on the offer she made to teach me to sew-- but see what I mean? She's so nice to offer!
Elisabeth is also a new friend- but she is so sweet and a friendly, outgoing person. She is fantastic at making contacts and making people comfortable. She writes a fun and quirky lifestyle blog.

Aimee from Granite Gurus and Vintage Radness &
Tonii from Blue Skies Above
Aimee is actually a friend of mine from Boston/childhood- though she moved away in high school and we both happened to end up in Utah of all places. She writes a couple of blogs- one about kitchens and then a fun and cheeky blog about vintage items.
Tonii runs a fantastic blog with great ideas for families- like family night activities, games and events for kids and recipes. She is adorable and her blog is so super cute- if you have kids you need to check it out!

{from left to right} Ruthie, Aimee, Tonii,
& Debra from Housewife Eclectic
Debra is a brand new resident of Utah. I know she just rolled in to town 4 days prior and we were stoked she made the effort to come! Too bad she had her camera on her all night, I guess she didn't pose for any other pics. Her blog is filled with cute crafts tutorials, photography and book reviews.

The round up...

Amanda ● Elisabeth ● Ruthie ● Aimee ● Tonii ● Debra Marissa Lindsay ● Me ●Erin ● Beth ● Mary

Now, check out the line up of super rad sponsors! ☺

We were able to give away 6 {!!!} frames from Cut it Out- they are the cutest things ever and I adore the fun shapes. Krityn from Lil Luna was a doll to work with to get this set up- talk about friendly and helpful!

So in this dorky candid pic I was conducting the drawing for our winners!! Debra and Mary were the lucky winners!

I made up little gift bags to hand out the rest of the swag.

Check out the oh so generous giveaways! 

Honestly, I was a little so honored that companies would support our little dinner. I mean, yeah- we do have a bunch of subscribers, especially between all our blogs- but it was just lil ol Lindsay and I hoping to have a fun get together. So I feel touched they took the chance that people would show up!
I owe a BIG "thank you" to each of you!

I loved that we were able to share ideas- and tips. Like this impromptu camera lesson happening in the background. I learned a lot about blogging- had some questions answered. It was great to discuss sponsors and ad networks. Things that are difficult to figure out on your own.

Thanks again, to Lindsay, for all her help and for everyone who showed up.
I truly thought each person who came was a total sweetheart and I was super excited to get to know them beyond all our blog correspondances. It's funny how blogging only shows limited parts of someone's personality, you know? These gals are even better in person! Loved it! Even for someone like me, who's kinda shy, it was a blast!
 I am itching to do something like this again! In fact a company approached me about doing it at their venue. Who would want to come?

July 2, 2012

✥ Sponsors for Blogger's Night Out! {Woot! Woot!} ✥

Hey friends!

Just wanted to give you all an update on the wonderful sponsors we have lined up for our bloggers night out on Tuesday, July 10th

These lovely sponsors have been so generous & they are definitely going to hook some local Utah bloggers up!

Ginger Snap Crafts 
It's going to be so much fun!  I hope to see some of you there!
If you want to be there, send myself or Becca an email for the details!


June 27, 2012

✥ Utah Bloggers' Dinner ✥

That's right- you read the title correctly! My dear bloggy friend Lindsay {of Southern Lovely} will be here in Utah for a few weeks. We were plans to do dinner, when were like, "Wait!! What the heck are we thinking?"

Let's invite all our other boggy friends! Then we can all meet, and talk, and laugh and have dinner!!!
So we set a date.
Tuesday, July 10th.

We felt pretty good about that- until we realized the only thing better than a bloggy dinner...
a bloggy dinner with some *swag*!

So there you have it- 
Dinner with us on July 10th!
With swag!

We know you need more details than that- so email one of us if you want to come. 

Becca- { }
Lindsay's much more professional looking email! ;-)  { }

We had to limit the number of peeps that could come {due to logistical crapola}, so speak up!! Also-we'll be meeting up in the Provo Area- if that helps anyone decide.
Details about our sponsors for the night will be coming soon!

I hope you local gals will be able to come cuz it's gonna be fun!! It has been great getting to know you all online, so I'm really looking forward to meeting you "in real life!"!