October 10, 2018

Weathered Exterior Beams

Zack and I launched another product in Forks, Wa  few weeks ago. You guys know that's one of our favorite spots in the US and we get there about yearly. This time we launched a book Zack wrote, It's called Harvest Moon. For those of you who like to keep up with us- here's the link. 

October 4, 2018

October 3, 2018

Faux Reclaimed Wood Bookshelves

T-minus 5 days before lift off to Italy! This week we are in Florida- one last hoorah before 12 months abroad. I am currently trying to get my life whittled down to one 44 lbs bag. I know- I know! It's gonna be tough and it's giving me some angst. It's not even the clothes & shoes, but more the every day objects that make like life easier, like a heat pack! ha!

Farmhouse Chic Dresser

Pine is the most common wood out there. It's usually what pallet wood is made from and it will be your most cost effective wood type. You know this because it's frequently found at home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowes. If you're planning a wood project and your's like instant barnwood, here's the project for you! 

September 27, 2018

September 26, 2018

Barnwood-Looking Plank Ceiling

I'll fill you all in on how my husband launched a second business called, "Dingewood." I'm releasing a glimpse this week, and I look forward to telling you how we went from a stain company to a wood company. I'm going to explain the good, the bad, and the ugly Thank you all for your love and support. 

September 20, 2018

September 19, 2018

Reclaimed Gray Farmhouse Table

Hey guys, this weekend we were in Forks, WA, launching yet another new product! lol Zack wrote a sort of prequel to the Twilight Saga and it was received super well at "Twilight Forever in Forks." You can check out the craziness in our Insta. We just flew back to Cali and are in the six week crunch before we move to Italy for a year! Life couldn't be more full and wonderful- speaking of wonderful, this farmhouse table is the bomb!