August 1, 2018

DIY [Faux] Barnwood Frame

This post has been sitting in draft form in my archives for 4 years, I think it's ready for its debut considering I no longer own any of the items in these photos, or even the cat in the impromptu shot far below. It seems like life changes so quickly these days and we have just announced we're going to Italy for a year! We've travelled the US for the last three years and I can't imagine slowing down. So it's full steam ahead to Europe for us. We plan to spend 12 months travel the whole of Italy. I really need your help and advice, because I am terrible at planning trips!

July 26, 2018

July 19, 2018

July 12, 2018

July 11, 2018

Raw Redwood into Rustic Barnwood Doors


Hope you had a super great 4th of July! We spent ours in Eugene, Oregon, at their local parade, rodeo and fireworks. Amongst all the strangers I had a peculiar feeling, a feeling if familiarity and belonging. It made me stop. I looked all around me and saw my fellow Americans...And then in my mind's eye I could see Americans all over the country, gathered together, to give thanks for our independence and the freedom it represents. 

July 5, 2018

July 4, 2018

Ammonia Smoked Wood - in 1 Safe Step!

Happy 4th of July to my American friends! We are celebrating in Florence, Oregon- running a 5K, hitting up the parade, and of course, fireworks! How about you?

Today's post is pretty exciting. See back in the day, Europeans started ammonia smoking their oak floors to get gorgeous wood floor shades that were impossible to achieve otherwise. People hardly do this anymore because ammonia smoking floors is super toxic and dangerous. Ammonia fumes can kill you and folks used to seal up their whole house to allow the fumes to interact with the tannin in the wood. 

June 28, 2018