August 5, 2014

The Handmade Hangout Features #7

 Thank you to those who took the time to link up at the party this week, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 6pm EST. 

July 31, 2014

July 29, 2014

The Handmade Hangout Features #6

Last we was our biggest party yet- but even better, we had thousands of click-thrus, which means you guys loved each other's work! That's so awesome! Thank you to those who took the time to link up, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 6pm EST. 

July 28, 2014

Feature: Hey Natalie Jean's Manhatten Flat

Zack and I are still in Cali for business- and, may I say, we are killing it! It is thrilling to shout out to my virtual friends that we have been getting sales every single day this month!! Hooray! I look for the email announcing sales throughout the day, every day, and once it comes, I look for the next one. I am an email obsessed nutcase, because it means it is happening!! Sales! A business!

July 24, 2014

July 23, 2014

Huckleberry Love: ∙Pottery Barn Inspired∙ Fabric Wall Art

Hey you guys! This is Lydia, one of the ladies behind Huckleberry Love, and I am so excited to be contributing again here at FromG2B! We are having such a great time sharing our ideas with you and we are so thankful to Becca for having us!

Recently, I have been transforming my oldest daughter's room into her "Big Girl" room. We decided on a palette of blues, pinks and greens and I am having so much fun decorating with her. She gets so excited about the projects and her favorite one of all is this project I'm sharing with you today.