July 29, 2014

The Handmade Hangout Features #6

Last we was our biggest party yet- but even better, we had thousands of click-thrus, which means you guys loved each other's work! That's so awesome! Thank you to those who took the time to link up, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 6pm EST. 

July 28, 2014

Feature: Hey Natalie Jean's Manhatten Flat

Zack and I are still in Cali for business- and, may I say, we are killing it! It is thrilling to shout out to my virtual friends that we have been getting sales every single day this month!! Hooray! I look for the email announcing sales throughout the day, every day, and once it comes, I look for the next one. I am an email obsessed nutcase, because it means it is happening!! Sales! A business!

July 24, 2014

July 23, 2014

Huckleberry Love: ∙Pottery Barn Inspired∙ Fabric Wall Art

Hey you guys! This is Lydia, one of the ladies behind Huckleberry Love, and I am so excited to be contributing again here at FromG2B! We are having such a great time sharing our ideas with you and we are so thankful to Becca for having us!

Recently, I have been transforming my oldest daughter's room into her "Big Girl" room. We decided on a palette of blues, pinks and greens and I am having so much fun decorating with her. She gets so excited about the projects and her favorite one of all is this project I'm sharing with you today. 

July 22, 2014

The Handmade Hangout Features #5

We did it! We had around 330 links for last week's party!! Thank you to those who took the time to link up, you helped make our party a success! But if you missed it, then you can always link up on Thursdays after 6pm EST. 

July 20, 2014

DIY RH Eye Chart Hack

Now, ever peruse around your favorite stores and think to yourself... hmmm... that is just too much. Ever follow that thought up with, I wonder if I can do that on my own? Well, that hmmm... moment happened to me when I saw this piece at Restaration Hardware "E" Eye Chart, which sells for a mere $345 to 595! Aye!