May 1, 2014

$450 Cash Giveaway

$450 Craft Dictator Blogiversary Cash Giveaway!

Welcome to the $450 Craft Dictator Blogiversary Cash Giveaway!

A bunch of us bloggers have gotten together to celebrate Craft Dictator's 1 year anniversary!! Cara and Rhonda run a DIY and craft blog that you'll have to see for yourself. As a celebration and thank you we have all gotten together to offer a HUGE giveaway!

 $450 buckaroos in PayPal Cash!!

 All you have to do is enter to win below and follow all of our bloggy friends here!  We also have some amazing co-host so make sure you go by their blogs and check them out! Thanks for celebrating with us and good luck fromG2B readers!!

The following are all of our wonderful co-host so make sure you go and check out all of their blogs!

Now onto the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to Pin or Share our Giveaway with your friends!
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