I have had the craziest week, trying to prepare for the MBA to begin next week via Internet while still traveling around the Western US and beyond. I think this year of my life has moved more quickly than any other, regardless that it had the same number of days on a calendar. I'm still without my own computer, since mine crashed two weeks ago. Because we have been on vacation, we've been unable to get it fixed or to shop for a new one. Which has me wondering, what's your favorite blog computer? I need something that does pic and video, and something fast because heaven knows, I have no patience.
Have you noticed all the tribal clothing and decor the last few months? I was itching to add some to my home, but I had to spend a lot of money on trend. The kitchen is a great place to get a lot of bang for your buck for only a couple of bucks. In facts this craft cost me nothing, as I used items found around my house!
What you Need: Eraser or Rubber Block, Fabric, Fabric Paint, Scalpel or Exacto Knife
1st: Print off an image or free hand draw an image into a block of rubber.
2nd: Use a sharp and narrow bladed knife to cut away the excess rubber from your image. Make a few broad cuts to remove large portions of excess rubber. Then slowly carve the finer details into the rubber.
3rd: Use fabric paint or crafts paint with fabric paint additive mixed into it to make your stamps. Cover the stamp with fabric paint. Make a couple of practice stamps onto similar pieces of scrap fabric to check your design.
4th: Once you're happy with your hand crafted stamp, use some painters tape to affix a ruler to the fabric you're planning to stamp. This will help you to mark the location of your stamps and create a uniform pattern. Now you may go ahead and DIY your fabric design.
That's all there was to it, so easy! I love an instant gratification project every now and again! Although Zack and I have had a great time traveling this summer, I am feeling a bit homesick. I think I need to be in my own bed for a night or two! I can't wait to see what you have all bee up to, catch up on my blogs!!