July 16, 2012

✥ Reader Feature: Vintage & Modern Nursery ✥

I received the cutest comment from a lovely new follower of mine. Her name is  Emily, and she has a brand new blog called Dear Owen. When I saw the nursery she created for her son- I was smitten and knew she had to share it with you all, too!
I love the vintage map, the industrial light fixture, the modern patterns. You guys know me- this is right up my alley. In fact, I think I would have chosen a similar design if I were expecting! I'll let Emily tell you all about it.


My husband and I were so lucky to have my talented friend Monica come and take pictures of Owen's nursery for us. She did such a great job! Thank you Monica!!!  The nursery was so much fun to do, and I gathered lots of inspiration and ideas from some of my favorite blogs like, Holly Mathis InteriorsJones Design Company, and Honey and Fitz. I really wanted this room to be a mix of modern and vintage pieces with a touch of rustic.

We tried to incorporate family items into the room to make it extra special. We used my Dad's old baseball jersey, Clark's old map that his Grandma gave him, fish flies in remembrance of his Pops, family pictures, and antiques that have been given to us or that we found.
My amazing Mom made the curtains for the room, Owen's bedding, the chevron pillows,  and the bed skirt on the twin bed. We were so lucky to have her do all these things for us. Thank you Mom, you are the best!

My biggest thank you has to be to my amazing husband who did soo much work on O's room. He ripped up carpet, refinished the hardwood floors, built a closet, painted the walls and trim, installed the light, built the shelves, and of course put together all the furniture. He is a talented and hardworking man...love you so much honey!
Now that we have been using the room for 2 months, I have to say, I am really glad we used the twin bed in the room. I was unsure for a while on whether we should put this in his room but I am really glad we did. Not only does it give us an extra place for guests to sleep, it is also great for bouncing a fussy baby, or for the hubby or I to hang out on while the other is rocking Owen. 
Using an Ikea chair converted into a rocker/glider saved a lot of money and it works great, it's comfortable enough..overall I'm happy with it. 

Owen's current favorite place in his room is his changing table. Glad we decided to put it in front of  the window because he loves to look out the window and get some sunshine...seriously, if he is fussy this is our go-to place to cheer him up. He almost always stops crying when we lay him on the table and talk to him.
We've spent lots and lots of time in this room and know we will continue to!

Doesn't Owen look picture perfect in his crib? I love the fabric Emily chose for the bedding. A-Dorable!
I am so jealous I don't have a vintage, family heirloom map in just the right shades or turquoise and tan! How does everyone have these things!! {I'm just going to have to call Ebay my "Grandma", so I can have some awesome vintage scores in my family, too!!!] 
Have any of you converted your Ikea chairs into rockers? If you have, what do you think of them? I think this was genius and now I want one for my bedroom! {No, I don't have a kid, I just like to rock- OK?!} 
If you liked the decor in Owen's nursery, then stop by Emily's to find out where she  got everything in the room!