November 25, 2013

How to DIY Gild a Gold Frame Chalkboard

from Gardners 2 Bergers

Today I walked past a girl in the mall, holding a sign that read, "Live, Love, Life!" She was chatting on her phone saying, "tots" this and "tots" that. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen that sign, but this "tots" was something totally new. After a quick "tots" Google search, my suspicions were confirmed, that "tots" is short for "totally." I suppose that's pretty original and here's something even more original, "LOVE! LIFE! LIVE!" *Did you see what I did there? ;-) 

As many of you can see, practically every woman on the planet tots has a sign like that in her home. Well, with gold in, "Live, love..." whatever is tots on its way out. I'm saying good-bye to all those signs and today, I feel like making a tots awesome sign. From now I "Always live the Life of my Dreams." Which is tots different than "Live Love Life!" 


Here's how to make these happen in your home! 


  1. Gold Spray Paint
  2. Frame 
  3. Chalkboard Paint or Make your own Chalkboard Paint with this Recipe
  4. Glaze
  5. Black Craft Paint
  6. Rags


  1. Paint the frame's hardboard or glass with CHALKBOARD PAINT. You can buy chalkboard paint in a spray paint, a quart, or you can use my DIY chalkboard paint recipe, found here. 
  1. Use GOLD SPRAY PAINT on the frame, this is will you a better, more realistic finish than gold craft paints would. I used this post to decide on which brand and chose Rustoleum {since it was available and a close runner up in Chris' & Julia's test.} Apply several light coats, slowly building even coverage.
  1. Once your frame is DRY, MIX some 1/4c GLAZE with a several drops of black craft paint. APPLY it with a RAG or sponge brush, then wipe it off with a damp rag. Let the frame DRY.
  1. Next mix some GLAZE with just a couple drops of black paint or even some gray paint. Follow the same process, apply and rag off. Building some shadows into the frame's decorative areas. 


The design I chose is from one of my all-time favorite apps, Rhonna Designs. It adds all the amazing designs I use on my Instagram pics. Not only can you personalize your pics, but she has decals  that your actually want to use, like chalkboard style or tribal patterns. My copy was a poor knock off, but now that I have my new chalkboard, I can practice all the time! ;-)



You know I have the gold bug- remember this lantern's major overhaul?! 
What have you gilded lately? What was your method- rub-n-buff like the lantern? Or spray paint, like the mirror? 

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