Showing posts with label All Natural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Natural. Show all posts

May 22, 2011

Homemade Cleaning Supply Recipes ▻ Part 2

I received a ton of hits on the homemade cleaning supplies and I'm stoked people are so interested! So today I'm posting additional recipes that people have asked for. As I previously mentioned here these are recipes I've either discovered for myself or collected off the Internet over the years.

I love making my own products for several reasons:
1) They're cost efficient.
2) I never run out because I keep all the basic supplies stocked up and they're always on hand to make another batch.
3) You know exactly what cleaning products you have in your home and they all ALL NATURAL & NON-TOXIC!
4)They work as well, if not better, as the "real" cleaning products.

All-Purpose Abrasive Cleaner
Liquid Castile Soap
2 tbsp. Baking Soda

Apply liquid soap until a foamy paste is formed.

All-Purpose Carpet Cleaner
1st- Vacuum...Then clean with:
3 cups Boiling Water mixed with
1 cup White Vinegar

Depending on degree of soiled carpet- either blot or scrub the mixture into the carpet
Air dry and vacuum again.

Drain Cleaner
1st-  Pour 1 cup of Baking Soda down your drain
2nd- Pour 1 cup of White Vinegar down the drain

Drain will FOAM- let sit for 5-10 minutes

3rd- Pour a gallon of BOILING WATER down the Drain

Refrigerator Cleaner
1 qt Warm Water
2 tbsp Baking Soda

Wipe down the inside of the fridge then rinse with a clean cloth.
Oven Cleaner

Wet the oven
Sprinkle Baking Soda Generously 

Let sit in the oven for 30 min and then scrub off.

Microwave Cleaner

2 cups of Water
1/2 cup White Vinegar

Heat in a microwave safe bowl for 3 minutes, then wipe down microwave.

Tub & Tile Cleaner

Apply White Vinegar to a Sponge
Use Baking Soda to Scour

Fruit & Vegetable Wash
1 cup Water

Small Spray Bottle
1 1/2 tbsp Baking Soda
1 1/2 tbsp Lemon Juice

Spray on produce, let sit, then rinse off.

Mildew & Germ Cleaner

Small Spray Bottle
2 parts Water
1 part Hydrogen Peroxide

Spray on mildew, let it sit and rinse off after 1 hr.

Don't miss my other posts for all your cleaning basics- 

right here:

And Here:

I hope these recipes make your lives easier and your homes cleaner! Have a happy day!

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